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Insegnare e apprendere meglio insieme

Usa Elementari per consentire ai tuoi studenti di leggere e scrivere di più creando le proprie storie interattive.

Read Detailed Proposal

Why Use Elementari?

Elementari makes writing fun for students and integrates coding into core subjects. By fostering a love of writing and coding, students can improve writing (and reading) outcomes and prepare for careers in STEM fields.

Makes Writing Fun

Elementari makes writing fun for students through the use of illustrations, sounds, and coded interactions. Students can write their project at their own pace, get inspired by the illustrations, and take pride in their personal writing projects. By publishing their stories to the world (and seeing their stories read), students are given a voice and are motivated to write more.

Easy To Use

At the core, Elementari is about writing and add a layer of coding. Due to this, teachers of most subjects can easily envision ways to integrate it into their curriculum. Teachers and students take something familiar, a book, and enhance it with coding to bring their project to life.

Meets Diverse Needs

Elementari can be used for any range of literacy skills while personalizing and differentiating learning. Students can creatively communicate in multiple ways whether that is through using a mixture of text, images, recorded voice overs, music, or coding to deliver unique interactive projects. Elementari has also been used by teachers to collaboratively create stories with their students or games for students to play through.

Built for STEAM

Educators can incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) in their classrooms as students “code” their stories to be interactive. Compared to, Scratch, and other blockly based visual coding environments, Elementari has developed a node-based visual coding language that is based on real-world professional applications.

Support Student Learning

Student learning is a continuous process facilitated by the teacher. Therefore, we have built tools to support teachers and student learning for all levels.

Manage Student Privacy

Teachers maintain control. Stories published require teacher approval. Comments on stories are private to the classroom and can be disabled.

Monitor Student Online Status

View your students' status in real time. See which students are online and currently working on their stories.

Starting from a Template

Don't know where to start? In these cases, a student can “remix” an existing project. A “remix” copies a project and its code so it can be used as a template for students to use. Remixes automatically credit the original project and notify the original author.

Invia commenti personalizzati

Correggi le storie che vengono create nella pagina successiva. Una volta inviato, lo studente sarà in grado di apportare le modifiche direttamente all'interno dello strumento di creazione.

Guarda i progressi dei tuoi studenti

Le statistiche ti aiutano a capire meglio i tuoi studenti e mettono in evidenza i loro progressi e le sfide con gli indicatori chiave come il tempo trascorso a scrivere, scrivere codice e scrivere.

Build Classroom Community

Support social emotional learning and classroom community by amplifying student voices in creating personal projects where students can grow.

Write Personal Stories

Enable students to creatively express themselves in multiple ways that is personal and meaningful to them. Ex. Journaling, Reflections

Code and Grow

Code will fail (that's why we debug). Build a classroom culture where failure and growth is part of the iterative learning process.

Publish Diverse Stories

Write from diverse perspectives and to a diverse audience. Ex. Conduct an interview, Write a story for younger grades, Thank You cards.

Comment and Collaborate

Write and code together in real-time, communicate via the chat, celebrate with a comment, or remix a published project to build on top of it. The possibilities are endless.

Interested in learning more about supporting Social Emotional Learning with Coded Stories? View the slides from our previous professional development session or contact us at [email protected] for a personalized PD for your needs.

Simple Setup

Write anywhere, read everywhere. No downloads or installations. Easy classroom setup as well as Google Classroom integration.

Works on All Devices

Write and code stories on iPad/chromebook/laptop/desktop and read on all devices including mobile. Elementari requires an internet connection and a modern web browser (preferably Google Chrome).

Create and manage student accounts

Create student accounts (no emails needed). Or sync your Google Classroom roster with one click. See our Help Center for step-by-step video tutorials on the different ways to get your classroom setup.

Elementari is compatible with:

Make sure you keep your browser version up to date to ensure Elementari works. Please note that Elementari is a web app and will work on iPads in Safari or Chrome but will need iOS 11 or higher.

Risorse per gli Educatori

No coding experience? Don't know where to start? We've got the support you and your students need to build fulfilling storytelling and coding experiences.

Elementari Proposal

View our detailed proposal for more information on Elementari and how it can be used in various K-12 contexts.

Professional Development

Introduce Elementari to your colleagues with this PD presentation. Find past webinars, lives, and tutorial videos on our YouTube channel.

Lesson Plans

programmi per saperne di più su come creare storie, giochi e altro!

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