
Subscrições e Preços

Economize 14%


0€ / mês
Gratuito para sempre
35 estudiantes


8€ / mês
Faturamento anual
35 estudiantes

Educador Plus

25€ / mês
Faturamento anual
150 estudiantes


À la Carte
150+ estudiantes
Funcionalidades Gratuito Educador Educador Plus Escolar
Crie contas de estudante 35 35 150 150+
Crie turmas 1 1 Ilimitado Ilimitado
Criar projectos
Acesso a lições interactivas Limitado Ilimitado Ilimitado Ilimitado
Acesso à biblioteca de imagens e sons Limitado Ilimitado Ilimitado Ilimitado
Upload as suas próprias imagens
Acesso ao sistema integrado de comentários
Acesso a estatísticas de estudantes
Crie contas educacionais
Suporte prioritário 24/7
Treinamento e DP Basic Basic Premium Premium

Todas as subscrições são renovadas automaticamente, mas podem ser canceladas a qualquer momento.


Do you accept Purchase Orders?

Yes, we do for school / district purchases. You can generate an instant quote or contact us.

Where can I download the Elementari W-9 form?

You can download the W-9 form here.

What is the cost per student for Elementari?

There is a cost per student after 150 students at $2 per student. Use our instant quote calculator to generate a quote or email us at support@elementari.com.

What should I do if I exceed my quota of students?

You can remove students from the class or archive the classroom. When the classroom is archived, the students will no longer count towards the student limit.

Is there an iPad app for Elementari?

There is no Elementari app on the App Store. However, you can use Elementari on the iPad and save the website to your home screen to easily access it in one click.

Is there a free trial available for Elementari?

Yes, Sign up for our Educator plan for a 14-day free trial or for our Educator Plus plan for 30-day free trial. Elementari also has a forever free plan!

Do you offer any discounts?

We offer discounts for bulk purchases. Generate an instant quote for more details.

What support is available?

Contact us at support@elementari.com for assistance, view our Help Center, or give us a call at 480-955-0101.

Any more questions?

If you have any questions or would like to discover more about bringing Elementari to your classroom, we're here to help.