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Historical Truths Game 🎓

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Design and code an engaging true/false interactive game about a historical figure - combining interactive slides with true/false choices, a dynamic scoring system, and conditional logic. Students will research historical facts, then apply coding concepts to track scores and direct game outcomes based on player responses. This lesson merges historical inquiry with computational thinking.

Grades: 6-12
Estimated Time For Completion: 100 mins


Students will:

  • Research and craft true and false statements about a historical figure.
  • Design an interactive game with a dynamic scoring system.
  • Code conditional logic to direct game flow based on player responses.
  • Share their projects, demonstrating their learning and creativity.

Code Stories and Games with Elementari

Elementari's visual coding tools allow students to design and code dynamic true/false games. The platform supports the creation of interactive quizzes with scoring systems and conditional logic. This hands-on coding lesson guides students in integrating historical research with computational thinking to create a project they can share for others to play.

New to Elementari? Click on the orange Start button to jump right into the lesson for free. Check out our Getting Started Guide for an overview of how Elementari works with your class. Get started for free for up to 35 student accounts.

Coding Concepts Covered

Number Variable Increment User Navigation Function in Parallel Conditionals Functions in Sequence

Student Instructions

1. Research and Plan Your Game 🕵🏾 (20 mins)

Choose a historical figure and research to find three true statements and two myths or false statements about them. Plan the layout of your game. Use the worksheet Historical Truths & Myths Organizer to help.

See an example of this game in action in Discovering Josephine Baker, an international entertainer, spy, and pilot in the 1920s.

2. Create Cover Page and Variable 🎨 (10 mins)

Click on the Templates tab and choose Title for some pre-coded title-pages. After you design your title page, create your number variable score.

3. Introduce the Person and Game 🎭 (10 mins)

Craft an engaging introduction that illuminates your historical character's life and seamlessly leads into the interactive game. Use three sentences to cover their significance, achievements, or unique qualities, and conclude by introducing the game's challenge to the player.

4. Statement 1 - Design the Slide 🎨 (10 mins)

Design the layout for your first True statement. Follow the instructions as the next 2 statements will duplicate this page (including the code) speeding up the process.

5. Incrementing the Score (1/2) ➕ (5 mins)

Use the Add Number Variable block to create a number variable for tracking the player's score. Then, use the Increment block to increase the score each time a player clicks on the "True" button.

6. Incrementing the Score (2/2) ➕ (5 mins)

Set up the "False" button to Increment the score, but for true statements, it increments by 0 (which is the case for this slide). This makes it easy to change how much the score changes on copied slides for different statements.

7. Setting Up Game Navigation 🧭 (5 mins)

Use the Go To Page block to code the navigation logic between slides based on the choice made. Use the Lock Navigation blocks to make sure the player needs to click on the buttons to progress through the game.

8. Statement 2 & 3 - Duplicate 📑 (10 mins)

Duplicate the previous slide and change the text. You will need to change the values for the False statement.

9. Showing the Score & Conditional Logic (1/2) 🔀 (10 mins)

On the last slide, show the player their score by using the curly brackets {{ score }}. Use the Compare Numbers block to check if variable score equals the total possible points (3).

10. Conditional Logic (2/2) 🔀 (5 mins)

If the condition is met (equal to 3), show a "you've won" message. Otherwise (less than 3), show a "try again message"

11. Final Touches and Exploring Extensions ✨ (10 mins)

Finalize your game and make it pretty. Consider the following extensions:

  1. Adding more true / false statement slides (duplicating)
  2. Redirecting players to learn about extra details from your true statements
  3. Creating alternative game over scenarios.

Be creative and explore more of coding concepts within the game design.

Project Example for Students

Play through this lesson's example project created on Elementari. Use this example to guide and motivate your students.


CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)

Algorithms & Programming

  • 2-AP-10 - Use flowcharts and/or pseudocode to address complex problems as algorithms.

  • 2-AP-13 - Decompose problems and subproblems into parts to facilitate the design, implementation, and review of programs.

  • 2-AP-17 - Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases.

  • 3A-AP-13 - Create prototypes that use algorithms to solve computational problems by leveraging prior student knowledge and personal interests.

  • 3A-AP-16 - Design and iteratively develop computational artifacts for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue by using events to initiate instructions.

ISTE Student Standards

Creative Communicator

  • 6b - Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

  • 6d - Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

  • 6c - Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

Computational Thinker

  • 5a - Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.

Innovative Designer

  • 4a - Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

  • 4d - Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.

  • 4c - Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.

  • 4b - Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

AASL Standards


  • I.A.2 - Recalling prior and background knowledge as context for new meaning

  • I.B.3 - Generating products that illustrate learning.

  • I.C.4 - Sharing products with an authentic audience.

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